Hydroponics Planting System
Hydroponics means growing plants without soil. Hydroponics is the mineral needed to provide the plant with its growth directly through water. The ideal hydroponics technique is to recycle every drop of water, no residue, and use organic fertilizer.

In the soil, organic matter breaks down into the salt nutrients needed for plant growth. Water in the soil dissolves these salts, allowing them to be absorbed by the roots of plants. In order for plants to achieve balanced nutrition, all substances in the soil must conform to the optimum ratio. Unfortunately, such "perfect" soil is rare in nature.

By using hydroponics, people can manually deploy a nutritionally balanced solution, which is much easier than finding the perfect soil. Because these solutions are in containers, they don't flow into the soil, so they don't affect the environment around us.

In addition, only a very small amount of water in the hydroponic system evaporates into the air.
In hydroponics, pumice is often used to fix the roots of plants. The pumice itself is filled with small holes that retain water and retain a certain amount of air, which is necessary for the growth of plants.
Plants grown with hydroponics can absorb nutrients and water from the nutrient solution directly through the roots, and achieve a balanced diet.

In hydroponic systems, plants with longer roots can absorb more energy and grow more luxuriant.
This method will not affect the environment, safe and reliable and sustainable, it is a veritable "organic cultivation technology".

We can use hydroponics to plant tomato, cucumber, lettuce, strawberry and many other vegetables.